# Named Views

Sometimes you need to display multiple views at the same time instead of nesting them, e.g. creating a layout with a sidebar view and a main view. This is where named views come in handy. Instead of having one single outlet in your view, you can have multiple and give each of them a name. A router-view without a name will be given default as its name.

<router-view class="view one"></router-view>
<router-view class="view two" name="a"></router-view>
<router-view class="view three" name="b"></router-view>

A view is rendered by using a component, therefore multiple views require multiple components for the same route. Make sure to use the components (with an s) option:

const router = new KduRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      components: {
        default: Foo,
        a: Bar,
        b: Baz

# Nested Named Views

It is possible to create complex layouts using named views with nested views. When doing so, you will also need to name nested router-view components used. Let's take a Settings panel example:

/settings/emails                                       /settings/profile
+-----------------------------------+                  +------------------------------+
| UserSettings                      |                  | UserSettings                 |
| +-----+-------------------------+ |                  | +-----+--------------------+ |
| | Nav | UserEmailsSubscriptions | |  +------------>  | | Nav | UserProfile        | |
| |     +-------------------------+ |                  | |     +--------------------+ |
| |     |                         | |                  | |     | UserProfilePreview | |
| +-----+-------------------------+ |                  | +-----+--------------------+ |
+-----------------------------------+                  +------------------------------+
  • Nav is just a regular component
  • UserSettings is the view component
  • UserEmailsSubscriptions, UserProfile, UserProfilePreview are nested view components

Note: Let's forget about how the HTML/CSS should look like to represent such layout and focus on the components used.

The <template> section for UserSettings component in the above layout would look something like this:

<!-- UserSettings.kdu -->
  <h1>User Settings</h1>
  <router-view name="helper"/>

Then you can achieve the layout above with this route configuration:

  path: '/settings',
  // You could also have named views at the top
  component: UserSettings,
  children: [{
    path: 'emails',
    component: UserEmailsSubscriptions
  }, {
    path: 'profile',
    components: {
      default: UserProfile,
      helper: UserProfilePreview